Friday, August 22, 2008

What is the normal amount of hair loss on a daily basis?

Hair Loss
It is entirely normal to lose hair on a daily basis. On average, people lose fifty to one hundred hairs every day, and this is considered normal hair loss and is not any sort of problem. If you brush or wash your hair excessively, the amount of hair lost will rise. This is also normal.
We go through phases of hair growth, and about ninety percent of our hair is growing at any given moment. This growing phase lasts anywhere from two to six years. The remaining ten percent of hair on the scalp is in the resting phase, which is a phase that last about two or three months. Once this phase is completed, the hair sheds to make room for new hair.
Experiencing hair loss to a significantly higher degree is often considered a hair loss problem that can be caused by a number of different reasons. Causes for excessive hair loss include genetics, hormones, physical conditions, emotional conditions, diet, and medications. If you are experiencing hair loss more than what is considered to be normal, it is important to get a professional opinion.
Hair Loss

Sunday, August 17, 2008

What do you do for an abnormal amount of hair loss?

Hair Loss
Hair loss can vary from person to person, and in some cases it can be a sign of iron deficiency, and/or high stress levels. Are you experiencing any kind of stresses, either in your outside life or internally? Poor diet can also lead to hair loss. Have you been cutting corners on nutrition? I know it can be scary to experience hair loss like this. While some loss is always normal, and "seasonal shedding" as also normal, you know your body best. If something is not normal for *you* and how your body normally is, then there is reason to investigate. I would recommend scheduling an appointment with your physician. Explain the problem your having, and s/he will probably run a blood test on you to check for anemia (iron deficiency) and some other things. If this is simply no big deal, you'll feel so much better hearing it from your doctor. If there's anything at all to help correct or treat big or small you'll be so happy you asked! In the meantime, you may wish to begin taking a multi-vitamin that includes iron in the formula.
Try your best to eat healthy, nutritious, non-processed foods whenever possible, and don't overstyle your hair. Coloring every 5 to 6 weeks may just be catching up to you. Let your hair dry naturally, and go very gently with it in terms of how you wear it for now. Hair loss, simply genetic, can also occur in females and it's possible this is happening, though I'm guessing it's more vitamin and stress related.Try to be very gentle with yourself and if there is anything upsetting you or worrying you inside, talk it out and try to let it go if possible. Life has so many wonderful open doors for all of us, and if one moment is rocky, the next will be smooth.
Hair Loss